Did you know that in Mexico 1 in four girls and 1 in six boys suffer some type of sexual abuse before turning 18? And only 1 in 10 will talk about it.

Through our program, ASI No Jugamos, in which we work to detect, prevent and address child sexual abuse, you can help to reduce these numbers.


By next year

Strengthen the capacities of boys, girls, teachers, mothers and fathers in 8 public schools, inside and outside Malinalco.

Develop a curriculum of prevention workshops for preschool girls and boys.

Train 20 civil society organizations on prevention and detection of child sexual abuse in different states of the country.

This is not the first time we have tackled this tough challenge.

mothers, fathers and teachers trained
CSOs strengthened with our services
trained schools

100% of the girls, boys and adolescents we train increase their skills to prevent and respond to cases of Child Sexual Abuse

The money will be used to pay direct costs of implementing the ASI no Jugamos program. For the most part, these constitute the payment of salaries and fees of experts in charge of designing and implementing our teaching materials and training processes, psychology personnel in charge of pedagogical support, and a lawyer in charge of legal guidance in cases of abuse that children and youth wish to report.

The money you donate enters our bank account, and we immediately report it to the Mexican tax administration office (SAT), we issue a tax receipt, either in your name (if you request it), or to the general public. As an authorized donee, all money that we have in our bank account to issue payments must be verified with a tax receipt, for a concept that is related to our corporate purpose. This is reported annually to the SAT and published in our annual report.

Yes. On the platform you can choose an amount to donate monthly. You can also make a one-time donation. The more and more frequent, the better!

In Mexico, of course! If you want to receive your receipt, please send us your proof of tax situation to reports@imaginalco.org and we will send it to you, month by month.

As a non-profit organization, we are subject to legislation and supervision by authorities that ensure that money is used exclusively to fulfill our corporate purpose, for the benefit of the target population. Annually we publish our activity and financial reports on our website.

Agreeing to give us a recurring donation does not imply a minimum temporary commitment on your part. You can voluntarily cancel your contribution at any time. To do this, you just have to send an email to informes@imaginalco.org and we will stop making the charge from that date.

You just have to send an email to informes@imaginalco.org requesting to unsubscribe, and we will stop making the charge from that date onwards.

Yes. Recaudia, the company that supports us to organize and implement this campaign, charges us a variable amount, depending on the total we manage to achieve.

If you want to reduce the commission associated with your contribution, you can donate through this link: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=3W9HZDP5S34RN


In this case, the money also enters our bank account and follows the same transparency processes, although it will not be quantified in the goal of this campaign.

You can also make a direct bank transfer, which eliminates transaction costs 100%.

Laboratorio de Imaginación y Acción Social A.C.

Banco Santander

CUENTA: 6550647879-3

CLABE: 014440655064787933


We have been working in the community of Malinalco for 10 years.

You can learn all about the rest of our programs at: https://imaginalco.org

With this campaign, we have the goal of raising $300,000.00 monthly. This will allow us to focus our time and efforts on planning and improving what we do, with a more strategic vision. But even if we don't reach the goal, we will continue to operate our programs to the best of our abilities.

Because knowing that we have a certain fixed income each month allows us to plan for the future, focus our time and efforts on planning and improving what we do, with a more strategic vision.

It’s easy! Just share this page with them. Or, if you are an ambassador, send them your personal link.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP! More questions? Reach out! informes@imaginalco.org

Resources to download


Basic info on the campaign

Facts on child sexual abuse (PNG)

Important data...

About program (png)

Program summary

Full presentation (download PDF)

About Imaginalco (png)

You can trust Imaginalco! (png)

Reason for being  (png)

Política de privacidad

©2023. Laboratorio de Imaginación y Acción Social